Get to know our team
Our team has proven expertise with different specialisations that work closely together in the event of complex and multidisciplinary problems to develop efficient and comprehensive solutions for our clients.
The direct exchange between our attorneys and tax experts, which creates special synergies, is particularly valuable for our clients. In our work we strive for the highest quality, are committed, and work professionally, carefully and in a solution-oriented manner.
Our attorneys have many years of experience in managing demanding mandates and conducting lawsuits in various areas of law. Some of them have completed additional training, have many years of court experience, are SAV specialist attorneys or have also studied in other countries and worked for law firms abroad. Others are themselves entrepreneurs and familiar with the questions and problems of our clients from an economic perspective.

Lorenz Baumann
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law
Lorenz Baumann
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law
Lorenz Baumann has been a partner at ws&p since 2004 and primarily focuses on inheritance and estate law with the following focus areas: Advice on estate planning (marriage and inheritance contracts, wills etc.), estate settlements (executor mandates, representation of heirs, estate administration), conducting negotiations and lawsuits. He regularly publishes articles on inheritance law issues, in the specialist magazine «Successio», in particular. Lorenz Baumann has also worked for 15 years as a criminal defence lawyer.
Areas of activity
- Inheritance and estate law
- Matrimonial property law
- Criminal law, in particular criminal defence
- Contract law
- Sports law
- German
- English
- Spanish
- 2009
- Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law (Universities of Zurich and Lucerne as well as the Swiss Bar Association)
- 2001
- Admitted to the bar
- 1999
- Dr. iur., University of Zurich
- 1995
- lic. iur., University of Zurich
Professional experience
- Since 2004
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- Since 2004
- Partner and member of the management board at ECOVIS Zurich
- 2001-2003
- Attorney at weber schaub & partner (partnership)
- 2000-2001
- Legal intern and legal secretary (now: clerk) at Zurich District Court
- 1995-1999
- Editorial employee and from 1997 commissioning editor at Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- Successio Association
- ZAV inheritance law specialist group
- ZAV criminal law specialist group
- ZAV civil procedure law specialist group
- Revision to the Swiss Law of Succession as of January 1, 2023, 06.26.2022 (together with Dominique Ott)
- Die Revision des Erbrechts verschärft die Missbrauchsgefahr, in: Tages-Anzeiger dated 19.06.2020
- Kleiner Restnachlass – Grosse Ausgleichungsforderung: Risiken unklarer bzw. unvollständiger Erbteilungen, Urteilsbesprechung zu BGer 5A_288/2017, in: Successio 1/2020
- Verzicht auf Herabsetzung einer Vor-/Nacherbschaft als (herabsetzbare) lebzeitige Vermögensentäusserung, Urteilsbesprechung zu BGer 5A_267/2016, mit ergänzenden Hinweisen auf BGer 5A_894/2017, in: Successio 1/2019
- Die Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts zum Lidlohn, Art. 334 ZGB de lege lata und de lege ferenda, Urteilsbesprechung zu BGer 5A_427/2015, in: Successio 3/2017
- Ausschlagungsvermutung und Herabsetzungsanspruch, Urteilsbesprechung zu BGer 5A_97/2014 (und BGer 5A_469/2010), in: Successio 2/2016
- Geteilt – oder noch nicht geteilt?, Eine (vermeintlich) einfache Frage als Quell von Streitigkeiten und Steuerproblemen, in: Successio 2/2015
- Von grauen und farbigen Brunnen, Die Rechtsfolgen unmöglicher Auflagen, in: Successio 3/2010
- Ein Viertel als Kompromiss im „Achtelstreit“, Meistbegünstigung des Ehegatten im Gesetz verdeutlicht, in: NZZ Nr. 79/2002, 6./7. April 2002
- Unlauterer Wettbewerb: Für Journalisten schwer fassbar, in: NZZ Nr. 36/2000, 12./13. Februar 2000
- Pressefreiheit und UWG – kein Widerspruch, Für leicht eingeschränkten Anwendungsbereich des Gesetzes, in: NZZ Nr. 216/1999, 17. September 1999
- Dissertation: Presse und unlauterer Wettbewerb, Vorschläge zur Vermeidung und Bewältigung von Konflikten (veröffentlicht in den Schriften zum Medien- und Immaterialgüterrecht, Nr. 48, Stämpfli Verlag AG Bern, 1999)
- "Nachlassplanung unter Berücksichtigung des revidierten Erbrechts", Gönnerveranstaltung des Kinderspitals Zürich vom 24.09.2022 (gemeinsam mit Marco Frigg)
- "Art. 216 ZGB (Überhälftige Vorschlagszuweisung) & Art. 120 ZGB (Erbrecht geschiedener Ehegatten): Zwei heiss umstrittene Themen der Erbrechtsreform", ZAV Fachgruppe Erbrecht vom 7. September 2021 (gemeinsam mit Tobias Somary)
- "Bewertungsprobleme in der Erbteilung", Schulthess Forum Erbrecht vom 25. März 2021
- "Erbrechtliche Konsequenzen güterrechtlicher Planung", Schulthess Forum Güterrecht vom 9. September 2020
- "Geteilt – oder noch nicht geteilt? - Eine (vermeintlich) einfache Frage als Quell von Streitigkeiten und Steuerproblemen", 9. Schweizerischer Erbrechtstag vom 28. August 2014

Regula Dannecker
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law, LL.M.
Regula Dannecker
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law, LL.M.
Regula Dannecker has been a partner at ws&p since 2019. Her preferred areas of activity are company and contract law, employment law and inheritance law. She advises SMEs and corporations, supports companies and individuals with contractual, inheritance and estate matters, in particular those with international reach. She also advises companies on issues concerning data protection law.
Areas of activity
- Company law
- Contract law
- Employment law
- Property law
- Inheritance law (incl. wills and inheritance contracts in English)
- International private law
- Data protection
- German
- English (sworn translator German-English at the High Court in South Africa)
- Afrikaans
- 2024
- Accreditation as Mediator and Conflict Manager (Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation SCCM)
- 2015
- CAS International Contract Law & Arbitration (UZH)
- 1998
- Admitted to the bar
- 1997
- LL.M. University of Cape Town
- 1993
- lic. iur., University of Zurich
Professional experience
- Since 2019
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2009-2018
- Attorney at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2005-2009
- dannecker legal consultants CC, Cape Town
- 2004-2005
- Andrew Duncan & Associates, Cape Town
- 2003-2004
- Webber Wentzel Bowens, Attorneys, Johannesburg
- 1998-2003
- Attorney at Ernst & Young AG in Zurich
- 1993-1996
- Legal intern and legal secretary (now: clerk) at Horgen District Court (ZH)
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation SCCM
- SwissCham Southern Africa (SCSA): Board member
- ZAV commercial law specialist group
- ZAV inheritance law specialist group
- New Stock Corporation Law as of January 1, 2023 (together with Manuel Mühlestein)
- Global Counsel Handbooks, Restructuring and Insolvency 2002, chapter “Switzerland” (Co-Autorin mit Dr.iur. Verena Fontana)
- Schweizer Treuhänder, Fallbeispiel Swissair zum Aktienrecht und SchKG, ST 2002, Heft 5, 519 ff. (Co-Autorin mit Dr.iur. René Schwarzenbach)

Marco Frigg
MLaw, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M.
Marco Frigg
MLaw, Attorney-at-Law, LL.M.
Marco Frigg has been a partner at ws&p since 2025. He specializes in all areas of private client law, in particular national and international wealth and estate planning (gifts, wills, inheritance contracts, prenuptial agreements, business succession etc.), cross-border estate litigation as well as foundation and trust law. He is also experienced in dealing with aspects of tax and real estate law. Beyond that, Marco Frigg offers strategic counsel in the domains of corporate law and family governance. He is particularly well-versed in navigating complex cases with multijurisdictional issues. Marco Frigg works both in an advisory capacity and as a representative in contentious legal matters.
Areas of activity
- Inheritance and estate law
- Trust and foundation law
- Marital property law
- Corporate law
- Real estate law
- International private law
- Civil procedural law
- German
- English
Training / Qualification
- 2019 Admitted to the bar
- 2015 LL.M. in International Business Law, King’s College London
- 2015 Master of Law, University of Zurich
- 2013 Bachelor in Law and Economics, University of St. Gallen
Professional experience
- Since 2025
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2021--2024
- Attorney at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2019--2021
- Associate at Bär & Karrer AG
(Private Clients Team) - 2016--2017
- Law clerk at the District Court of Meilen
- 2015--2016
- Junior Associate at Bär & Karrer AG
(M&A und Private Clients Team) - 2014
- Research assistent at the University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ueli Vogt
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- ZAV Practice Group Inheritance Law
- International Trust Disputes in Switzerland, in: Kempster/McMillan/Meek (eds.), International Trust Disputes, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press 2020, p. 531 et seq. (co-author Mrs. Tina Wüstemann)
- "Unternehmensnachfolge – Stolpersteine und Planungsmöglichkeiten", St. Galler Erbrechtstagung, 18. November 2022
- "Nachlassplanung unter Berücksichtigung des revidierten Erbrechts", Gönnerveranstaltung des Kinderspitals Zürich, 24. September 2022 (gemeinsam mit Lorenz Baumann)
- "Aussergerichtliche Vereinbarungen in erbrechtlichen Streitigkeiten: zivil- und steuerrechtliche Fallstricke“, ZAV Fachgruppe Erbrecht, 6. September 2022 (gemeinsam mit Matthias Heusser)

Anna Leibacher
Junior Associate
Anna Leibacher
Junior Associate
Anna Leibacher works as a junior associate in our law firm and supports our lawyers in all areas of law. She graduated from the University of Basel and has already completed various internships. Having worked at a district court, Anna Leibacher has practical experience in procedural law. After completing her year as an articled clerk, Anna Leibacher will take her bar exam.
Areas of activity
- Family law
- Inheritance law
- Contract law
- Employment law
- Tenancy law
- Company and corporate law
- Debt collection and bankruptcy law
- Criminal law
- German
- English
- 2022
- Master of Law, University of Basel
- 2021
- Bachelor of Law, University of Basel
Professional experience
- Since 2024
- articled clerk at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2023
- Legal intern at Dietikon District Court
- 2022
- Internship at a legal expenses insurance and short internship at a commercial law firm

Manuel Mühlestein
MLaw, Attorney-at-Law
Manuel Mühlestein
MLaw, Attorney-at-Law
Manuel Mühlestein has been a partner at ws&p since 2025. He primarily deals with inheritance and contract law - focusing on employment and tenancy law - as well as company and corporate law. He also advises clients on criminal law and international private law. As a former clerk at Zurich District Court and following his earlier work as a lawyer in the procedural law team at a leading corporate law firm, Manuel Mühlestein has a lot of experience relating to civil and criminal procedural law as well as debt collection and bankruptcy law. He works in an advisory and litigating capacity.
Areas of activity
- Inheritance law
- Contract law (focus areas: employment and tenancy law)
- Corporate law
- Criminal law
- International private law
- Civil and criminal procedural law
- Debt collection and bankruptcy law
- German
- English
- Spanish
- 2017
- Admitted to the bar
- 2013
- Master of Law, University of Zurich
Professional experience
- Since 2025
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2019-2024
- Attorney at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2017-2019
- Attorney at Homburger AG on the procedural law team
- 2014-2017
- Clerk at Zurich District Court
- 2014
- Legal intern at Zurich District Court
- 2013-2014
- Legal trainee at Walder Wyss AG on the contract law team
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- New Stock Corporation Law as of January 1, 2023 (together with Regula Dannecker)
- Verschärfungen im Gesellschaftsrecht: Melde- und Registerführungspflichten / Inhaberaktien
- Kaufvertrag – Abgrenzung zum Tausch, Subsidiarität des Bereicherungsanspruchs gegenüber dem Vindikationsanspruch, Kommentar zu: Urteil des Bundesgerichts 4A_581/2012 vom 29.08.2013, publiziert am 28.01.2014 auf weblaw.ch (Gemeinsam mit Markus Vischer)

Dominique Ott
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law
Dominique Ott
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law
Dominique Ott specialises in inheritance law. In addition to her advisory role in estate planning (prenuptial and inheritance agreements, wills, etc.), she regularly represents clients in inheritance proceedings in court and acts as an executor and heir representative. She also has extensive expertise in real estate law, child and adult protection law, and tax law (inheritance tax, gift tax and property gains tax). Dominique Ott has been a partner at weber schaub & partner ag since 2023.
Areas of activity
- Inheritance law
- Matrimonial property law
- Real estate law
- Contract law
- Civil procedural law
- German
- 2016
- Admitted to the bar
- 2012
- Dr. iur., University of Zurich
- 2011
- Master of Law, University of Zurich
- 2009
- Bachelor of Law, University of Zurich
Professional experience
- since 2023
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2016-2022
- Attorney at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2017
- Lecturer at University of Zurich
- 2013-2016
- Clerk at Zurich District Court
- 2012
- Legal intern at Zurich District Court
- 2010-2012
- Research assistant at University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger
- 2010
- Legal assistant at a smaller Zurich law firm
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- Successio Association
- ZAV inheritance law specialist group
- ZAV criminal law specialist group
- Revision to the Swiss Law of Succession as of January 1, 2023 (together with Lorenz Baumann)
- Doctoral thesis: "Der Grundsatz «nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare» unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der strassenverkehrsrechtlichen Pflichten", Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wohlers (published in Zurich Studies on Criminal Law, Nr. 66; predicate summa cum laude; awarded with the Professor-Walther-Hug-Preis)

Andrea Tina Weber
MLaw, Attorney at Law, LL.M., TEP
CVAndrea Tina Weber
MLaw, Attorney at Law, LL.M., TEP
Andrea Tina Weber specialises in advising and representing private clients, banks and family offices in all matters concerning estates, trusts and foundations. She represents clients in civil litigations, whether disputes are domestic or international, including matters of foundation law, matrimonial property law as well as adult protection law proceedings. She also advises on estate planning and structuring (wills, marriage contracts, business succession, international estate planning) as well as on trusts and foundations. She regularly publishes and gives presentations on inheritance law topics in Switzerland and abroad.
Areas of activity
- Inheritance and estate law
- Trusts and foundations
- Matrimonial property law
- Dispute resolution / civil procedural law
- International private law
- Corporate law
- Real estate law
- Tenancy law
- German
- English
Education / Qualification
- 2024
- Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP), The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) (excellence award)
- 2023
- LL.M. in Comparative European Private Law, University of Edinburgh (with distinction)
- 2018
- Admitted to the bar
- 2013
- Master of Arts in Law, University of St. Gallen
- 2010
- Bachelor of Arts in Law, University of St. Gallen
Professional Experience
- Seit 2024
- Attorney at law at weber schaub & partner ltd.
- 2019--2024
- Associate and Senior Associate at Walder Wyss Ltd. (Dispute Resolution, Private Clients)
- 2018--2019
- Associate at Badertscher Attorneys at Law Ltd.
- 2014--2016
- Law clerk and presiding judge in tenancy disputes at the district court of Horgen
- 2013--2014
- Junior Associate at Walder Wyss Ltd. (Banking & Finance, Tax & Private Clients)
- 2011--2012
- Research Assistant at the University of St. Gallen, Chair for private law, Prof. Dr. Alfred Koller
- Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP NextGen Committee Officer)
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
- ZAV Practice Group Inheritance Law
- The Swiss Family Foundation – Revival for Family Wealth and Estate Planning?, in: Trusts & Trustees 2024, 30, 377 ff. (co-authored with Kinga M. Weiss)
- § 14a Schutz des Unternehmens im Ehe- und Erbrecht, in: Fabiana Theus Simoni/Isabel Hauser/Harald Bärtschi (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schweizer Aktienrecht, 2. Aufl. 2022 (co-authored with Kinga M. Weiss)
- Adoptierte, uneheliche oder künstlich gezeugte Kinder im Erbrecht in: Plädoyer 03/21, 32 ff. (co-authored with Kinga M. Weiss)
- Unternehmensnachfolge unter Einbezug der Familie in: Finanz und Wirtschaft 03/21, 9 ff. (co-authored with Kinga M. Weiss)
- Chambers Global Practice Guide Private Wealth 2020 Switzerland: Trends & Developments, 2020, 17 ff. (co-authored with Kinga M. Weiss and Robert Desax)
- «Wichtigste Entscheide des Bundesgerichts Januar bis Juni 2023 – Schwerpunkt prozessuale Themen», Schulthess Forum Erbrecht Aktuell, June 2023
- «Wichtigste Entscheide des Bundesgerichts Juni bis Dezember 2022 – Schwerpunkt prozessuale Themen», Schulthess Forum Erbrecht Aktuell, December 2022
- «Wichtigste Entscheide des Bundesgerichts Januar bis Juni 2022 – Schwerpunkt prozessuale Themen», Schulthess Forum Erbrecht Aktuell, June 2022
- «Übersicht Rechtsprechung 2021 – Schwerpunkt prozessrechtliche Themen», Schulthess Forum Erbrecht Aktuell, November 2021
- «Interessenkollisionen im Erbrecht», Schulthess Forum Erbrecht, March 2021

Werner C. Weber
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, SAV Mediator
Werner C. Weber
Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law, SAV Mediator
Werner Weber is a founding partner of weber schaub & partner. He prefers to practise company and contract law as well as tenancy and property law with a focus on private construction law. He provides advice and acts in court in a litigating capacity. He holds the title of SAV Mediator. He holds several mandates as board member for national and international companies from different sectors.
Areas of activity
- Company law
- Contract and tenancy law
- Property law, international construction law
- Inheritance law
- Mediation
- German
- English
- 2008
- Advanced Mediation
- 2004
- SAV Mediator
- 1992
- Admitted to the bar
- 1990
- Dr. iur., University of Zurich
Professional experience
- Since 2023
- Counsel at weber schaub & partner ltd Zurich
- Since 2001
- Partner and member of the board at ECOVIS Zurich
- 1998-2023
- Attorney and founding partner at weber schaub & partner ltd Zurich
- 1994-1998
- General secretary at FBM Home of Entertainment Zurich
- 1992-1994
- Tax and legal adviser at PricewaterhouseCoopers
- 1991-1992
- Independent legal adviser in Zurich
- 1988-1991
- Legal trainee with teaching authorisation at Dr. André P. Rees law office, Zurich
- Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
Our employees and partners in the tax law team are accredited tax experts with a legal or economic background. Or they are trained tax advisers with practical experience in private business, banking and insurance as well as in public service as a tax inspector or commissioner.

Jürg Dannecker
lic. iur., certified tax expert
Jürg Dannecker
lic. iur., certified tax expert
Jürg Dannecker was a partner for many years and is now acting as counsel at ws&p. He primarily focuses on corporate tax law and provides support to individuals with demanding tax situations. As a result of his training as a tax expert and many years of experience at a Big Four company and at weber schaub & partner, he has extensive expertise and a wealth of experience in tax planning and supporting such transactions as restructuring, the purchase, sale, founding or liquidation of companies. He advises companies and company owners on national and international matters.
Areas of activity
- Corporate tax law
- Restructuring
- Acquisitions
- Tax planning for individuals in national and international matters
- Land taxes
- Inheritance and gift taxes
- German
- English
- French
- 1994
- Accredited tax expert
- 1985
- lic. iur., University of Zurich
Professional experience
- Since 2025
- Counsel at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2001-2024
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2000-2001
- Tax adviser at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 1990-2000
- Tax adviser at a Big Four company
- 1988-1989
- Legal trainee at a law firm
- 1986-1987
- Training in management consulting with an insurance company
- EXPERTsuisse

Elisabeth Haller
Tax Adviser
CVElisabeth Haller
Tax Adviser
Elisabeth Haller primarily focuses on tax law for natural persons. She advises clients on tax planning options and the prepartation of tax returns and she represents them before tax authorities in assessment procedures. Elisabeth Haller has many years of experiencein the fiduciary field, as a tax adviser and in managing executorships.
Areas of activity
- Tax law
– Preparing and advising on tax returns for natural persons (incl. unrestricted/restricted tax liability, self-employed, tax allocations)
– Checking assessment decisions, negotiations with tax offices and social security organisations
– Preparing taxation guidelines for supplementary tax and criminal tax proceedings
– Preparing capital gains tax returns - Inheritance law (administration/processing of executor orders)
- Assistant to Peter Schaub
- German
Professional experience
- Since 2009
- Tax adviser at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 1996-2008
- Tax adviser at Fasser & Leuenberger AG in Zurich
- 1988-1995
- Tax adviser at Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft SBG in Zurich
- 1980-1987
- Tax adviser at Fundus Marty AG fiduciary company in Zurich

Matthias Heusser
Certified tax expert, Business Economist FH
Matthias Heusser
Certified tax expert, Business Economist FH
Matthias Heusser has been a partner at ws&p since 2025. He advises clients on all aspects of Swiss tax law. His focus areas are predominantly taxes on real estate and advising legal entities. He also provides natural persons and legal entities with support in tax planning and completing tax returns.
Areas of activity
- Taxes on real estate
- Tax advice and planning for legal entities
- Tax advice and planning for natural persons
- Restructuring
- International tax law
- Source tax
- Withholding tax
- Value-added tax
- Stamp duty
- German
- English
- French
- 2012
- Certified tax expert
- 2008
- Business Economist FH
Professional experience
- Since 2025
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2009-2024
- Tax expert at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2004-2009
- Employee/deputy tax commissioner at Rümlang (ZH) local authority
- 2003-2004
- All-rounder at Illnau-Effretikon (ZH) local authority
- 2000-2003
- Commercial apprenticeship at Bassersdorf (ZH) local authority
- Commission member for the land tax commission at a Zurich local authority

Nicole Hirzel
Tax Adviser
Business Economist HWV
Nicole Hirzel
Tax Adviser
Business Economist HWV
Nicole Hirzel advises our client in matters of taxation and wealth planning. Her main focus is on advising private clients on income, wealth and property gains tax. She has many years of professional experience in Switzerland and abroad, most recently as CFO of a family office and as a tax consultant in a trust company.
Areas of Activity
- Tax declarations for private clients and corporations
- Estate administration / executorships
- Real estate gains tax
- Social security
- German
- English
- French
Training / Qualification
- 2024
- CAS FH Corporate Taxation
- 2023
- CAS FH International Individual Taxation
- 2022
- CAS FH National Individual Taxation
- 1998
- Business Economist HWV
Professional Experience
- Since 2025
- Tax adviser at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2020--2024
- Tax adviser at Adwista Treuhand AG
- 2016--2020
- CFO/Member of the Executive Board at Abegg & Co AG
- 2014--2016
- Member of the School Governing Body of Wädenswil/Schönenberg/Hütten (Department of Finance)
- 2003--2014
- Family Break
- 2001--2003
- German Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai
- 1998--2000
- Cantonal Electricity Company, Zurich (EKZ)
- 1989--1995
- Incontra AG, Zurich

Peter Schaub
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law
Peter Schaub
lic. iur., Attorney-at-Law
Peter Schaub is a founding partner of ws&p. He focuses on tax and inheritance law. He prefers to advise individuals and businesspeople as a “family lawyer”. He also acts as a director for various listed and non-listed Swiss companies and, in this function, has extensive knowledge and considerable practical experience.
Areas of activity
- Inheritance and gift taxes
- Land taxes
- Tax planning for private individuals for national and international matters
- Corporate tax law
- Restructuring
- Appeal procedures for tax matters
- German
- English
- 1990
- Admitted to the bar
- 1987
- lic. iur., University of Zurich
Professional experience
- Since 2025
- Counsel at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 1998-2024
- Attorney and founding partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 1994-1998
- Attorney at Schaub Steuerberatung in Zurich
- 1990-1993
- Tax inspector for Zurich Canton
- 1987-1988
- Legal trainee at Schellenberg Wittmer, Zurich

Martin Schmidlin
Certified tax expert, Business Economist FH
Martin Schmidlin
Certified tax expert, Business Economist FH
Martin Schmidlin has been a partner at ws&p since 2001. He supports national and international companies as well as private individuals with their tax matters. He is a certified tax expert and focuses his work on corporate tax law and tax planning for natural persons in a national and international context. As a graduate business economist, Martin Schmidlin contributes important business perspectives to the tax assessment of matters at hand. He holds several management board and director mandates in various areas.
Areas of activity
- Corporate tax law
- Restructuring
- Acquisitions
- Value-added tax
- Tax planning for natural persons for national and international matters
- Land taxes
- Inheritance and gift taxes
- German
- English
- French
- 2000
- Certified tax expert
- 1996
- Graduate Business Economist, University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration (HWV), Zurich
Professional experience
- Since 2001
- Partner at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 1999-2000
- Tax adviser at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 1996-1998
- Tax consultant (authorised representative) for Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Zurich
- 1994-1996
- Administrator for the Group “tax service” staff department for Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), Zurich
- 1991-1994
- Administrator at BDO Visura Auditing and Fiduciary Company Ltd, Wetzikon, and Secunda fiduciary company, Zurich
- 1989-1991
- Internship at a Swiss bank (UBS), Rüti
- EXPERTsuisse

Marcel Schweizer
Tax Adviser
Business Economist FH
Marcel Schweizer
Tax Adviser
Business Economist FH
Marcel Schweizer primarily deals with tax law for natural persons. He advises clients on tax planning options and preparing tax returns. He also represents them in assessment procedures before tax authorities. Marcel Schweizer has many years of experience with expats and supports clients in supplementary tax proceedings or the administration of estates.
Areas of activity
- Income and asset taxes for individuals
- Estate administration
- Secondments / expats
- Social security
- German
- English
- 1998
- Business Economist FH, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) Winterthur
Professional experience
- Since 2014
- Tax adviser at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2001-2013
- Senior Manager tax adviser at KPMG AG, Zurich
- 1998-2000
- Customer support at Veriduna Treuhand AG, Dübendorf

Tamara Simmen
Tax Adviser
Tamara Simmen
Tax Adviser
Tamara Simmen primarily focuses on tax law for natural persons. She has many years of experience in international tax and social security law and assists clients in the preparation of tax returns and tax planning.
Areas of activity
- Tax consulting and planning for natural persons in international & national matters
- Secondments / expats
- Social security
- Inheritance and gift taxes
- German
- English
- French
- 2014
- Bachelor of Law, University of Zürich
- 2008
- Matura, Cantonal School Stadelhofen
Professional experience
- Since 2024
- Tax adviser at weber schaub & partner ltd
- 2016–2023
- Assistant up to manager at Deloitte Ltd
- 2013–2016
- Assistant at Projectos Seminare AG
- 2011–2015
- Assistant at Derrer Satmer Hunziker Attorneys
We can count on a competent and practised team of employees who provide secretarial services and whose support is essential to the operation of our firm and the high quality of our services.